

    Principle Sir

    Ajay S Chaukikar

    From the Principal’s Desk


    A child’s life is like a garden, you have to cultivate the right virtues. When you create a lawn, you prepare the ground, remove rocks, spread grass seeds, water it regularly & wait for the grass to sprout. However along with the grass seeds the weeds also come up. Then, you make efforts and attempts to remove the weeds. Every time a weed comes up, you must remove it, eventually the good grass takes over the entire lawn and then you only need to water it & maintain it.

    The same we have to do in our lives. Any bad habit, bad thought, negativity should be consciously removed from our mind and then only the right values get cultivated and positive thoughts take over.

    Children try to become a good citizens of the country, you all are the valuable assets of our nation, the future of motherland and hope of tomorrow.

    We should strive to acquire the fine qualities like simplicity, purity of heart and mind, innocence, sense of affection and attachment. It is the demand of the hour to observe, understand, think and read. Our mind should be embedded with positive thoughts, sympathy, perseverance and self-control your mind and remain cool under all conditions.

    I quote – The wealth of a rich man can be stolen but happiness and wisdom of the wise remains.

    Mr Ajay S Chaukikar
